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Can I view Freeway YouTube videos with captions/subtitles in another language?

Yes you can!

  1. Open the YouTube video that you want to watch.
  2. Make sure  ‘Closed Captions: are turned on with the “CC” Icon
  3. On the bar at the top or bottom of the video screen, from the options to the right of the video’s timeline, click on the Settings icon
  4. Here, select the Subtitles/CC option
  5. Then click on Auto-translate which will then presentbyou with a list of languages
  6. Select the language that you want to change the subtitles to
    e.g. for Ukrainian:

  7. The Result:

For further details (if needed) refer to "How to change the language of subtitles on YouTube ("

which can also show you:

  • How to add a different subtitle language to your YouTube video

  • How to customize subtitles on YouTube

  • Can YouTube automatically add subtitles?